About Us


  • We believe in the inerrancy of scripture. Contrary to what some people may suggest there are no errors or contradictions in this God breathed (1 Timothy 3:16) collection of inspired books. It is God speaking to His people.
  • We believe in the triune Godhead of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God.
  • We believe that we are a part of a fallen world and apart from Christ we stand condemned before our perfectly Holy Father in Heaven.
  • We believe that the only path to salvation is through the grace of God and the redemptive work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who laid down His life for our sin and was dead and buried and resurrected on the third day.
  • We believe that we cannot be saved by our works but only through God’s grace by giving ourselves fully to the Lord Jesus Christ


  • We believe as contemporary disciples of Jesus Christ we are to take the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) very seriously.
  • We believe we are called to reach out to all people where they are at in their daily lives, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, culture or nationality and bring the simple truth of the gospel of grace in Christ Jesus.
  • We believe that every aspect of our outreach here at home and abroad must be considerate and respectful of the demographic of the people we seek to reach.
  • We believe we must reach people where they are at, minister to their human and spiritual needs with love and compassion, just as Jesus Himself did.
For a more complete statement of our beliefs see: https://bfm.sbc.net/


Riverside Baptist Church is a place where families, singles, young and old alike are all welcome. We believe God has placed us here to serve the people of our community and to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. Come and share in our vision and discover how the wonderful truths of the bible relate to everyday living.
Men's Ministry
The men of Riverside Baptist Church hold a monthly prayer breakfast on a Saturday morning at 7:30 am. We gather to eat good food, read the Bible, share our lives, encourage one another, and pray together. All men are welcome to come. Please check the calendar for the Saturday morning date for each month.
Women's Ministry
Each month, Encourage Women gather together in the name of Jesus to help encourage encountering Christ personally, experiencing Christ together, and extending Christ to others. You may expect fellowship, Bible study, prayer, and special activities each month to help build one another up in faith.
Vacation Bible School
VBS is our week-long ministry each summer where the community comes together to lead children of all ages in learning about the Gospel of Jesus through Bible study, music, crafts, games, snacks, and more! This is a free event held in the evenings complete with a theme and emphasis on building relationship with God and one another.


Check out our calendar to see what we are up to!
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Visit Us

Sunday School at 9:45 | Worship Service Sundays at 11:00 AM
5768 Sellger Dr Norfolk, VA 23502
E-mail: info@rbcnorfolk.org Phone: (757) 466-9461

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